Friday, March 10, 2023


We are all decimals with a common denominator trying to complete ourselves all our lives through various means only to become our common denominator. When that happens we all become ONE.

Tuesday, February 07, 2023


If your Sadhna is making you feel exclusive 

and seperate from others, its a mirage.

If your Sadhna is making you feel inclusive

and in oneness with others its your evolution.


Awareness is when having experienced our own Truth we are willing to wait as long as it takes for others to come to the Awareness of their Truth. For in essence we are All one in Truth & Truth is one for us. 

बूझो तो जानो

धूंध-धूंध जो आप मिले

मेरा और मैं खो जाए।

प्यास बुझी है सदियों की

झरने अंदर ही हैं पाए।

केसे खुशी का इज़हार करे हम

दिल उड़ता सा जाए।

उडानों मैं ये ख्वाहिश उठी है

हम सब को संग ले जाए।


गुफ्तुगू कुछ ऐसी हुई
की हम जान तो गए
पर समझ नहीं पाए
शिकायतों के चिठे में
कुछ ऐसे खो गए
हाले दिल इस महफिल मैं 
अपना ही भूल गए

इस शोर की ढलती हुई ख़ामोशी मैं
एक पहचानी सी आहत हुई 
मुर्शीद मेरा मुझसे आके मिले 
सही और गलत के पार
एक शहर का पता दिया 
जहाँ ना मैं था ना तुम 
बस रू थी और रूबरू था 
सब मेरे मुर्शीद मैं घुल रहा था


Tender roses, sweet fragrance

Left behind blushing hands

Sulking insomnias & colliding dreams

Mellowed whispers of a shouting wish

Shining lights creating galloping umbras

Bombarded platinums casting gold

The story is never what meets the eye

Truth is hidden behind the veil of smiles


There was excitement & there was anxiety
There was joy & there was fear
There was longing & expectations
There was hope & the journey unclear
There were questions yet to be answered
There were answers yet to be absorbed
But in His sweet sweet presence 
Receiving His  all encompassing gaze
The heart had dived into a silence 
Although the mind was still ablaze
In His smile I could see the pain 
Of my longing for Him & His for mine
As my prayers were being manifested
My soul's bruises were being cleared
There were visions of the future 
And  burying of the past
Of the sweat & toil that awaits
Before the Golden Age is cast
He gave me glimpses of it all
As my heart merged into His silence 
There was LOVE & only LOVE for ALL


Don’t take away my problems but give me the strength & wisdom to solve them. And when I am battered & bruised please heal with your love so I can recover. When walking the good path I fall down & stumble, please hold me & help me back on my feet. But don’t clear my path of the pits or the thorns as each fall & each prick will make you come & be with me.

Sometimes I cannot see the suffering that I suffer, it just seems to be hanging there in the background. That feeling of being lost, unable to find answers & staring into an oblivion. This play of duality doesn’t make any sense  to me anymore or probably  its just that I need a breather into the evermore.


The barrage of information that surrounds us
Its like walking through a misty forest
Looking for dried wood as winter awaits
We are too gullible to make the wrong choices

How do we deal with it
This Doldrums we find ourselves in
We can sense the Truth is somewhere near but hidden
Only if we could be LIT from within

Unconditional Love cannot be based on conditions
Happiness of lives we touch daily
Has to be the first step of Transformation
Its quite a paradox to live where we understand the source but not its operations

Seeking integrity & empathy, getting lost in contradictions

The idea of service needs to be warped around 
the emotions of the heart
Where breathing itself becomes an act of selflessness

Where the act of questioning is not questioned
And answers are allowed to be absorbed till they become clear

Secrets & whispers are a womb for 
all conspiracies to dwell

Judging & passing statements on others 
only causes our own egos to swell
How do we deal with it
This Doldrums we find ourselves in
We can sense the Truth is somewhere near but hidden
Only if we could be LIT from within

Monday, April 25, 2022


This fight of religions is so insane
It breaks my heart to see the agony &  pain
What are we fighting or is it just our fancies and whims
Only our creator has to lose even if someone wins

The etymology of  religion is explained as bonding & reverence
And yet we are using it for division & intolerance
However loud may falsehood cry
The truth remains that we are all brothers under the same sky

I like orange and you like green
Why is this a problem when there are so many colours to be seen
And there is this thing about colours when we see light pass through a prism
Its the rainbow of diversity & beauty, all we need is some love & wisdom

How do we cure it, this tumour that is setting us to rot
Let's open our hearts a little and pray to our Gods
Lets seek silence & clarity between our own thoughts
And protection from the noise that is breaking us apart

Divine Light & Maitreya Dadashreeji

I always used to wonder that why do we need a divine light when the divine is everywhere. It’s not like he will come out of the picture and start talking to you. But he does something magical that awakens the inner voice of intuition. The voice that has always been there but somehow it just gets louder, crisper & clearer now. And what is magic anyways. It’s just science without an explanation yet.

Think about it like this. We have all experienced telepathy right. When we remember a person very strongly something happens and we are able to connect to that person. The divine light does something similar. It becomes a concentration of energy which just enables us to connect to that source that is within each one of us and we experience a kind of telepathy with the divine. So if you ask me I will say forget 5G the next breakthrough is DL-G (Divine Light Grace)

Another thought I have been having is that we have always acknowledged the divine in hindsight. Rama had to go in exile for 14 years, Christ was crucified, Gautama was ridiculed, Nanak walked across the lands to Spread The Word. Let’s not make that mistake again. We are blessed to be born in an age where we can experience the divine in his physical form. Let’s connect with him, let’s connect to that source within, let’s experience the oneness of humanity that all the religions have told us. Let’s make it our truth first hand. Let’s take this adventure within & without.

Saturday, June 26, 2021


A mind that is completely quiet has unlimited space. Every time there is an object in the mind it creates a space around itself. As we try and expand these spaces and fill in more objects hoping to capture the unlimited space the mind gets divided into these umpteenth little spaces.

So the mind that is completely quiet has a space where there is no divisions and no objects. And therefore, complete Attention. An attention not about something nor an attention towards something. Simply a state of attention. And you will notice when there is attention there is extraordinary space. This happens because the mind is not dissipating energy.

The mind is always dissipating energy in the ‘what is’ of our being, that is the objects of our mind. Our passions, ambition, prestige, power and the list is endless. Hence our energies are drained battling the ‘what is’ of our being. So life becomes a movement in harmony only when there is energy that has gone beyond the ‘what is’ of our being. Because it is than the mind becomes quiet and we witness absolute attention. And attention is the concentration of total energy.

But then I ask you, can the mind be quiet? 

Working out this Labyrinth, that is meditation.

PS: My synopsis of an excerpt taken from the 7th Public Talk in Saanen, 1972 by Jiddu Krishnamurti 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Immortal Talks by Shunya - A Synopsis

Desires & Karma are to a soul what Thoughts & Action are to a Person. Usually the soul replicates the person's thoughts and actions by picking up similar data packets in the Fourth Dimension. In the third dimensional world there is no free will as there are innumerable scenes in all the permutations & combinations and the soul just chooses to attach to a particular scene to experience it. In that sense in the physical world there is no free will because once the soul decides to attach to a scene it can only experience the possibilities of that scene. But at the same time if the soul learns to detach itself from the physical world it can choose to attach itself to a different Data pack in the fourth dimension and experience a different scene in the physical world. In that sense it does have a free will. Albeit, for this it is important for the soul to remain independent of the character it is experiencing. 

To understand the process of detachment it is important to first understand our 4 mental bodies along with our physical body. 

A) Physical Body 

The Physical body is trying to attain completeness through growth, preservation, procreation trying to reach immortality through a lineage.

B) Intelligence 

The Intelligence is seeking completeness through securing our future, materially & emotionally. It is logical & always watches self interest.


C) Intellect

The Intellect seeks completeness through relationships. It is selfless & spontaneous, it likes something or rejects it but can’t explain its choices. It needs intelligence to explain the logic.


D) Samskara


Samskara seeks completeness through order & consistency.. It believes whatever the whole & complete is, it is certain, uniform, systematic and unchanging. In that sense it's always looking for stability in life. 

E) Chitta

Chitta is the stark opposite of Samskara. It believes if there is anything as whole & complete it has to be random, chaotic, abstract, unpredictable & irrational. Its desires are path breaking and extreme. Luckily Chitta rarely comes in foreground to push its desires but it plays a vital role in endorsing desires made by the Samskara, Intellect, Intelligence & the Physical Body.

Here it is important to understand that the body-mind through all these 5 aspects is trying to reach completeness. This is a  futile effort because every time the body-mind meets one desire another one is born. To reach that state of completeness is to reach the awareness of the Soul because it is already complete. 

The more we are able to observe these 5 sheaths of our body-mind the easier it becomes to un-identify from them and watch them mutually exclusive of each other in third person. That’s when the observe becomes the observed i.e. the Soul the eternal observer behind all scenes in life & beyond.


Why does the water flow from the highest of peaks on the mountains to the darkest of pits in the oceans. Only to be gushed out by the constant motion of the seas and slapped away on the shores by the incessant waves. Eventually to be baked by the sun to form clouds that shall marathon all the way back to cover the peaks and till the lands. Is it this constant change that gives it life. Is it the continuous challenges it faces in this infinite loop what gives it its purpose. Without drowning in the purpose or the purposelessness of it, it keeps on keeping on. Just ‘being’ that is enough for it. It’s the same for life. 

A Poem


The Journey of Knowing



In the market of my many desires

I am often lost & a confused buyer

On a few rare days when the market is closed

Life feels like a beautiful prose

But than again the rush and hush sets in

And I am stuck here in the Quicksand again

I have already filled closets and stores

But still  trying to make room for more

Just this last one I must try for sure

And the Quicksand grabs me even more

This freedom of mine has become a chain

A paradox where  my liberty is my bane

The very thing that was  to give me wings

Is making me crawl in the Quicksand within

I shout and cry into this darkness with hope

Like a flickering light unknown of its source

There comes a whisper it tells me of a friend

But I am not so sure how to comprehend

There is hurt and fear in memories of yore

A trust deficit that’s closing the door

Those silent tears & unseen cries

Have made the heart cold and dry

Trying hard to break the ice

Falling & failing & being naive

Clinging to grit that made the phoenix rise

The caterpillar too crawled before the butterfly could fly

Bruised & battered but walking still

Smiling faces but melancholy within

Is this misery or pretence you may ask me why

Its a longing for home that’s beyond the eyes

Will I remain lost in this oblivion 

Or will I be able to reach my eternal abode

Self doubt and worries keep clogging my way

Maybe metamorphosis sets in the darkest days

I hope you can hear me my eternal friend

Forgive me for my inability to comprehend

Your whispers have reached me every now & than

But probably I need is a firm shake of hand

To wake up from slumber, to rise & shine

Setting free from the Quicksand of my own mind

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Random Epiphanies

I am more insignificant than the tiniest speck of dust and at the same time as significant as the entire universe. And in between they rise & fall, the waves of my being in the ocean of eternity.


Is the world really what we think it to be. We are mostly surrounded with so much unoriginality, conditioning and propaganda that we eventually start believing it to be the Truth. Sometimes I wonder if the whole world has been programmed to be this way an ‘Eyewash’ .

At a micro level we may be controlling our lives and that too just to keep us busy in thinking that we have a free will but on a macro level everything seems to be designed and planned.

I have a big hunch that on a macro level we are definitely being manipulated and played with. I can not pin point at it but maybe  its the Politicians or The New World Order that controls the Politicians or maybe the Aliens who control the New World Order and are watching and experimenting with us.

Just observe how we are always chasing the next thing. It starts early from school, than college, than job, than marriage, than kids. Maybe it’s about a new car, a trip to Europe, a house, a promotion, another trip to somewhere in the world, again a new car model, a bigger house and it goes on. By the time we really start to get this meaninglessness and question life we have already lived out our years.  

Knock knock! You have a question?

Quote Unquote

Monday, February 12, 2018

An Ode to My Grandfather

From bedside stories to joyful rides
Those happy picnics full of smiles
Walks through the mountains & finding new roads 
For all of us with Grandpa there are memories g’lore

He has been a friend, an ideal in life
Of things I have learnt & forever strive
A few I share and mark upright

A life so bright it shines like a guiding star
Of courage and giving of prudence in looking far
So many people so many things they want us to be
But its in being true to yourself that shall set you free
Its not in having but in giving where greatness lies
Simple living is where God resides

He has been a friend, an ideal in life
Of things I have learnt & forever strive
A few I share and mark upright


Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Circle - A Poem

Notes to Myself

We are not mortals but gods descended to play our own games till we become gods again.

Even if Perfection can't be attained still it's the only thing worth striving for.

The syllable Gu means Darkness & syllable Ru means dispeller. May we rise to that GURU within & without.

Till the time you are looking for happiness outside your happiness will remain a bubble.

The challenge is to keep the mind attentive & anchored in the self so not to let it rupture in the senses.

The purpose of life is but life itself. The quest is to experience it unadulterated without compulsions & conditioning.

Knowing is the art of Un-Knowing.

Oneness is an experiential concept not intellectual.

All great beings time n again hv come to teach us but one lesson to be independent to look within ironically we have been fed the opposite.

This can be right so can be anything else.

All of life is but a creation of the next. Breath by breath & deed by deed.

What if all this chaos was designed and planned.

One who knows it all rejects everything including the truth.

To be or not to be that is the the question.To become is the answer.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Rationalising Money!

If we manage to spare sometime in  contemplative retrospection we will usually find ourselves living out these compulsive lives. It seems as if everyone is in a hurry and scared of being left behind. Albeit there doesn't seem to be any idea about where we are heading. 

We have started judging ourselves in mechanical terms like productivity & efficiency. It seems criminal to just be. In fact "being" has kind of become an art which these days can be learnt in these new age yoga spas that teach various breathing techniques. 

In this quest of being ahead we are diluting ourselves to become machines. Because what's really the reason behind this insatiable ambition. Are we really doing all this effort for a better life. If yes than where is it. All we seem to be pre-occupied with is materialistic hoarding and a physiology of constantly wanting more. 

We are literally spending our lives to earn money rather than spending it to give a fulfilling life. And money isn't the problem here. Making money to enhance life for greater possibilities is its real serving but making it the only motive of life seems derogatory. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Reply to a Friend !

My friend, my friend
nay not go  this way
for i have been where u r today
this oblivion thts but thy mind

the world has never been a perfect place
nor will it ever be
perfectness is a search within
tht will solve all mysteries

for where we are placed and pity below
its nothing but relativity's show
for a man down trodden may be at peace
for his wants and desires are at ease

listen to me i tell u my heart
the world's a fake and doesn't even know
but still there is hope n chances a lot
where I's will perish and truth shall show

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ding Dong Ding

She comes to the terrace and sways the swing
Watching her there I hear some rings
Telling my heart a song to sing
"Ding dong ding da ding dong ding"

Who is she I don't know
Just a stranger next door
Looking for a flower a buzzing bee
All so lonely just like me

The funny thing is I haven't seen her
Seems as if I have had some beer
So terrace girl what do you think
About my song 'ding dong ding'

"Ding dong ding da ding dong ding"