Tuesday, February 07, 2023


The barrage of information that surrounds us
Its like walking through a misty forest
Looking for dried wood as winter awaits
We are too gullible to make the wrong choices

How do we deal with it
This Doldrums we find ourselves in
We can sense the Truth is somewhere near but hidden
Only if we could be LIT from within

Unconditional Love cannot be based on conditions
Happiness of lives we touch daily
Has to be the first step of Transformation
Its quite a paradox to live where we understand the source but not its operations

Seeking integrity & empathy, getting lost in contradictions

The idea of service needs to be warped around 
the emotions of the heart
Where breathing itself becomes an act of selflessness

Where the act of questioning is not questioned
And answers are allowed to be absorbed till they become clear

Secrets & whispers are a womb for 
all conspiracies to dwell

Judging & passing statements on others 
only causes our own egos to swell
How do we deal with it
This Doldrums we find ourselves in
We can sense the Truth is somewhere near but hidden
Only if we could be LIT from within

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