Thursday, March 28, 2019


Is the world really what we think it to be. We are mostly surrounded with so much unoriginality, conditioning and propaganda that we eventually start believing it to be the Truth. Sometimes I wonder if the whole world has been programmed to be this way an ‘Eyewash’ .

At a micro level we may be controlling our lives and that too just to keep us busy in thinking that we have a free will but on a macro level everything seems to be designed and planned.

I have a big hunch that on a macro level we are definitely being manipulated and played with. I can not pin point at it but maybe  its the Politicians or The New World Order that controls the Politicians or maybe the Aliens who control the New World Order and are watching and experimenting with us.

Just observe how we are always chasing the next thing. It starts early from school, than college, than job, than marriage, than kids. Maybe it’s about a new car, a trip to Europe, a house, a promotion, another trip to somewhere in the world, again a new car model, a bigger house and it goes on. By the time we really start to get this meaninglessness and question life we have already lived out our years.  

Knock knock! You have a question?

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