Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thank You !

i fall and fall and fall again
you pick me up every time the same
i sway and sway and sway away
you reach for me in every-way

i talk and talk and talk a lot
not realizing that i was lost
and than in silence you appear
making my worries disappear

from the depths of the heart i thank thee
for yesterdays, today and tomorrows to be
from this life to next, wherever i go
my gratitude for you will forever grow


  1. We are grateful to thee for the little pleasures of life, life itself, being alive, living the life.. can't be thankful enough. The least we can do is Be a good person, see goodness in every being, be humane, follow the true path....and "pay it forward"

  2. u summed it all tanu di :)...way 2 go.............
