Saturday, December 05, 2009

My computer - my mind!

In today’s modern world one spends more time with the computer than the accumulated time spent with the family, friends and  in the loo (pun intended), and kindly excuse the genuinity (if that is a word) of the above statistic for i didn’t care to read through any of those published research papers written by some xyz professor/doctor (no offense please) from those ivy league institutes. Why? Because I just wanted to get the meaning through and more importantly in the end all of us know what the truth is but are too scared to accept it unless its BRANDED.

Well coming back to the subject, I will like to share something interesting that sneaked into my understanding on one frustrating afternoon when the hard disk of my computer crashed. Taking my laptop to the service center I was wondering at how the computer memory worked. There was a hard disk which stored all the data of the computer and than there was the Random Access Memory that used only the bit of the computer data that was required to complete the task in hand. 

Well you may ask what am I talking about, even a 5th grader would know that. But just hang on there, interesting observations ahead. 

I am sure we have all heard about the conscious and sub-conscious mind. But what is it exactly. If you are lucky with accidental observance (like i was) you will discover that the conscious mind is actually our RAM and the sub-conscious our hard disk. Like at this moment as I am writing and later when you will be reading we are and will be using our conscious mind, but at the same time we have our sub-conscious minds which is a huge hard disk of memories old and new. Having said that, there is another set of equivalents we haven’t yet touched. 

The Internet that connects us to the vast pool of data through a network of computers, servers all joined together linking us to infinite data of the world wide web and the Super-Conscious Mind connecting us to the whole universe, opening us to the world of information, knowledge and possibilities. 

Albeit it can be argued that where connecting to the internet is as easy as a push of a button, MEDITATION - the way to connect to the super-conscious mind, is one of the most misunderstood trends of the current times often marketed as an out of body, magical experience that gives you glimpses of paradise et al. 

Taking all that  and more it still  deserves the benefit of doubt, afterall all it requires is some peace, breath control and observing your thoughts. It is what makes you experience the often quoted statement “ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE” because no matter in how many different forms the internet may appear in the zillion of computers across the world in the end it is only a sum total of the binary’s “ZEROS & ONES”.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Destined 0r Not!

Life was running on fast mode. There was no time for old friends or for new friendships. I was a 8 to 8 machine, as if life was on auto pilot. There was no time to indulge in worthless talks hence there were no arguments. I liked everyone and everyone liked me. Money kept accumulating month after month and year on year.

At an age when people are still finding a purpose in life to me it seemed I have found one and already done with it. I have followed and lived what was a definition of a modern happy life and sadly become one only to find an emptiness a "fullstop".

Everything was just the same, the world kept moving on the way it did. The girl i saw every morning to work, the ticket officer at the station, the receptionist at the office, the sandwich-man at canteen, the news anchor at the 9 'O click news, everything & everyone seemed to be going about their days just the same. Than it sinked in slowly. Like sleep sinks in, on a lazy Saturday afternoon while watching television or reading a book. It was a dream within a dream.

It's either your life is in control of you, or you are in control of your life. But most of the times with most of us its the former. And we say a man got to do what a man got to do and go on creating realities. But than isn't reality a choice. If I didn't choose to write and you didn't choose to read this reality right now between us wouldn't be there. That brings out the question of destiny. Were we destined to choose what we chose.

Something tells me no. We write it on our own only to forget. 


Sunday, May 10, 2009

'Nanak Aakhya' (In Gurmukhi/Punjabi)

Writer's Note: Guru Nanak was the founder of the Sikh religion who preached about the unity of all religions and existence of one & all pervading GOD.

Tu Vi Nanak Ban Re Bandeya
Tu Vi Nanak Ban

Na Hindu Na Muslim Na Sikh Na Isaai
Tu Vi Nank Ban Re Bandeya
Tu Vi Nanak Ban

Na Darbar, Na Mandir, Na Girja, Na Masjid
Khudi De Andar Vadh Re Bandeya
Khudi De Andar Vadh

Gita, Puran, Bani, Quran
Inahanoon Samajh Na Ke Padh Re Bandeya
Samajh Na Ke Padh

Tu Vi Nanak Ban Re Bandeya
Tu Vii Nanak Ban

Translation in English:
Become God Realized my friend
Become God Realized

To be a good Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian
First be God Realized my friend
First be God Realized

No need to wander in Gurdwaras, Temples, Mosques or Churches
First wander in thy Own Self my friend
First wander in thy Own Self

Gita,Bible, Gurbani & Quran
Not only read but understand them my friend
Not only read but understand

Become God Realized my friend
Become God Realized

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thank You !

i fall and fall and fall again
you pick me up every time the same
i sway and sway and sway away
you reach for me in every-way

i talk and talk and talk a lot
not realizing that i was lost
and than in silence you appear
making my worries disappear

from the depths of the heart i thank thee
for yesterdays, today and tomorrows to be
from this life to next, wherever i go
my gratitude for you will forever grow

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Saturday, April 04, 2009

the 'Y' of being!

"The only reason for existence is to evolve in consciousness life on life, birth after birth until we reach the consciousness of 'all for one and one for all', for in essence we are all one in truth and truth is one for us."
©Kshitij Ghai

Friday, March 27, 2009

wAr 'n' peAce

I woke up with this dream today that my cousin is flying a MIG & somehow I am his co-pilot. Suddenly there is an echo from the skies as we are suspended in space 'don't return even if you run out of your ammunition'. After that I see shooting stars every where only to realise those were not stars but we were being shot at. Just like that the realisation sinks in that we are on a war to save the world (ehim) and as we move ahead dodging the shooting stars (pun intended) we come to a point which is for some reason called the 'heat point' and looks like a disk of fire. My cousin than takes the MIG vertically up, looks me in the eye & than he bring it down smashing through the the 'heat point'. As it all happens, just before the impact with the 'heat point' we eject ourselves from the MIG. Next thing we realise is that we are on some hills which we think is enemy territory. So we climb our way up carefully, hiding from getting spotted so we can get a better view from the top and analyse the situation. As we reach the top we find ourselves looking at a village which mysteriously seems peaceful & calm with life going around as usual. While we are still observing suddenly an old couple appears with a divine smile and silently walks by us. Just after a few blocks they stop, look back at us with the same divine smile & tell us 'not to worry, its the year 2756'!!!
©Kshitij Ghai

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Prayer

"O the divine light of the universe and creation,
Guide me to thyself & let me be an instrument of thy will"

©Kshitij Ghai

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Countless are the colors of Light,
Which we refuse to see.
©Kshitij Ghai