Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Ode to God

I bow to you with my heart 'n' soul
In thy kingdom from my humble post
The creator, sustainer of the universe whole
O Father, Son and the Holy Ghost!

Have found you everywhere I've gone
Maybe Jehovah, Buddha or Ram
With your love as the shining star
You have guided us this far

Thy command has been of unconditional love
Humbly showered from here and above
Have surrendered my 'I' for devotion of 'Thee'
But from heavens I hear only 'Me Me Me'

Of all things you have revealed so far
Your love, forgiveness and unmatched power
Have answers given of all but one
All this drama is it just for fun!

©Kshitij Ghai


  1. The scriptures say "God created the universe so he may enjoy himself through many" and it is also noted in the scriptures "the dream-child wakes up in cosmic consciousness to find himself God once more".

    Therefore it implies that God and all individuals are essentially one. So now when an individual tries to achieve liberation or oneness with God it is for his own sake( now whether it is for your own sake or God's sake really doesn't matter as you and HIM are originally one only).

  2. It appears while writing this, you were really sitting next to God!!
    Great work!!
