Friday, January 05, 2007

wHAt dA hEll

hearts aching...viens pumping...there has to be an outburst sooner or later...i am thinkin abt disaster manangement...i could feel the be or not to be that is the question...putting my foot in the mouth...sometimes people can be a virus...careful u devilz out there...angels arent wht they appear...

they are nice for it is a need...
hate the coldness in their warmth...
need nay a sin..
but to feed it on insecurity...

stealing thee of what you like...
for what they are incapable is crap...
life is always a choice...
i know now for sure which one to make...


  1. oh man i love the poem but i am just not getting the connection. i mean this is grave stuff and i am not able to place my finger on what might have triggered this.
    but need nay a sin- awesome!

  2. i think life is more of a decision.
    and the ability to stick by it.

  3. wow....u have this complete....'said yet unsaid' style! love it!
    Hate the coldness in the the lines.

  4. speaks a lot of your pesonality ...sensitive
    the pain you may hv gone through must hv been greater ,nt jusa few lines ....can feel how hard you supressed yr emotons n wrote jusa few lines
