A mind that is completely quiet has unlimited space. Every time there is an object in the mind it creates a space around itself. As we try and expand these spaces and fill in more objects hoping to capture the unlimited space the mind gets divided into these umpteenth little spaces.
So the mind that is completely quiet has a space where there is no divisions and no objects. And therefore, complete Attention. An attention not about something nor an attention towards something. Simply a state of attention. And you will notice when there is attention there is extraordinary space. This happens because the mind is not dissipating energy.
The mind is always dissipating energy in the ‘what is’ of our being, that is the objects of our mind. Our passions, ambition, prestige, power and the list is endless. Hence our energies are drained battling the ‘what is’ of our being. So life becomes a movement in harmony only when there is energy that has gone beyond the ‘what is’ of our being. Because it is than the mind becomes quiet and we witness absolute attention. And attention is the concentration of total energy.
But then I ask you, can the mind be quiet?
Working out this Labyrinth, that is meditation.
PS: My synopsis of an excerpt taken from the 7th Public Talk in Saanen, 1972 by Jiddu Krishnamurti