Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ding Dong Ding

She comes to the terrace and sways the swing
Watching her there I hear some rings
Telling my heart a song to sing
"Ding dong ding da ding dong ding"

Who is she I don't know
Just a stranger next door
Looking for a flower a buzzing bee
All so lonely just like me

The funny thing is I haven't seen her
Seems as if I have had some beer
So terrace girl what do you think
About my song 'ding dong ding'

"Ding dong ding da ding dong ding"

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Warrior of Light

Why do you fear and of what.
Filth of insecurities and attachments wrath.
Get rid of the baggage and continue the path.
You are a warrior of 'Light", not a shadow of the pasts.
Why do you stop you don't belong of this.
Many a lives lived and many a lives lost.
Awake awake and get rid of this cast.
Dream on no more as the dawn breaks at last.