Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Up and down the roller coaster
The world sways and sways
How many cycles of kth 'n' kin
Oblivion of the count of days

Awake! Awake! the cosmos resonates
The day is precious than the dream.
Why long for candies my friend
While sweetness of the worlds beckons thee.

I art thou and thou art me
And together we are the world.
But standing aloof beyond and above
This 'I' defies to be.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love @ 1st Click!

We clicked on a click.
And acquainted love as time ticked.
Only words exchanged but hearts have met.
Prior to our meeting it was all set.

Were made to wait to meet again.
We swayed in search while time played its game.
Before we knew "WE" belonged to "US"
Just that Destiny unfolded Thus.

Together we are again for evermore.
Playing in HIS play new roles.
For life has what but a purpose to serve.
To make us experience an emotion called LOVE.