Friday, March 27, 2009

wAr 'n' peAce

I woke up with this dream today that my cousin is flying a MIG & somehow I am his co-pilot. Suddenly there is an echo from the skies as we are suspended in space 'don't return even if you run out of your ammunition'. After that I see shooting stars every where only to realise those were not stars but we were being shot at. Just like that the realisation sinks in that we are on a war to save the world (ehim) and as we move ahead dodging the shooting stars (pun intended) we come to a point which is for some reason called the 'heat point' and looks like a disk of fire. My cousin than takes the MIG vertically up, looks me in the eye & than he bring it down smashing through the the 'heat point'. As it all happens, just before the impact with the 'heat point' we eject ourselves from the MIG. Next thing we realise is that we are on some hills which we think is enemy territory. So we climb our way up carefully, hiding from getting spotted so we can get a better view from the top and analyse the situation. As we reach the top we find ourselves looking at a village which mysteriously seems peaceful & calm with life going around as usual. While we are still observing suddenly an old couple appears with a divine smile and silently walks by us. Just after a few blocks they stop, look back at us with the same divine smile & tell us 'not to worry, its the year 2756'!!!
©Kshitij Ghai

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Prayer

"O the divine light of the universe and creation,
Guide me to thyself & let me be an instrument of thy will"

©Kshitij Ghai

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Countless are the colors of Light,
Which we refuse to see.
©Kshitij Ghai